Connecting the World's Brightest Minds

Amsterdam's first case competition, where students solve real life business cases.

Amsterdam Case Competition

The Amsterdam Case Competition (ACC) is a unique opportunity for students from top business schools worldwide to compete with each other by presenting their solutions for real-life business cases.

Develop your skills

Receive a world-class learning experience through hands-on business cases.

Problem solving

Through the case solving process, learn to identify, analyze and solve complex business case problems faced by companies in the current corporate climate!


Work on your collaborative skills by working with your team members through every step of the case solving process!

Experience in the field of Consulting

A unique learning opportunity where you can get a taste of the real consulting world and delve into the types of problems that they are faced with on the daily!

Social and Networking Opportunities

Numerous social and networking events where you can let loose and make some new friends as well as network with business professionals spread over various major business fields!

Solve real-life business cases

The ACC consists of a unique competition format, which allows for maximum immersion of participants into the cases provided. We partner with some of the largest companies in the Netherlands and aim to deliver a memorable experience to both students and companies.


Expand your network

Build a unique network during our social events and workshops.

Amsterdam walking
Amsterdam Boat
Uva lecture hall theatre
Bikes UvA

Join the competition

Or get in touch with the ACC 2024 committee.